Institutional Head Desk


            Now-a-days India is not on good terms with some neighboring countries. Our freedom is our birth right. It must be defended at all costs. The defense of our country demands that all young men of the country should undergo military training so that their services may be utilized when needed. With this end in view the National Cadet Corps (N.C.C.) Act was passed in 1948. The main object of the Act is to impart military training to students reading in schools and colleges. Since then the N.C.C. training has been started in schools and colleges. Under this scheme boys are given military training by their teachers trained in the N.C.C.

            The NCC is one of the premier youth organizations in our country, contributed in propagating national unity and integrity amongst youth. Its role in instilling in them the values of character, discipline and hard work and in shaping them into dynamic and responsible citizens of the country had been well recognized. It is one of the foremost organization which grooms the youth, the students to be worthy citizens and future leaders of our nations and further it instills in students discipline, courage, and patriotism.

        The National Cadet Corps (NCC) helps for nation-building. It provides exposure to the cadets in a wide range of activities, with a distinct emphasis on Social Services, Discipline, and Adventure Training. NCC provides us a platform through which we can shape our future path build up courage, grit, passion, team spirit, leadership & most importantly healthy mind-set to face hardships. It inculcates all the required qualities which an Indian army wants in their responsible officers.

            My Best Wishes for All NCC Cadet's and NCC Unit of PDVP College.

Best Luck for Future...!

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